Instead of a social media account, I gave my daughter her own website!

There’s a new blogger in the Flaimahmy Family! It’s the Little Flower!! For her 11th birthday I gave her her own website!! This was after much debate about whether I would let her have social media. She is headed to middle school and of course all of her friends have social media accounts. I haven’t […]

The Little Flower is a Middle Schooler!

My baby graduated from elementary school yesterday. Emotionally it was a lot for me. I fought back tears quite a few times. I can’t believe she’s going to middle school. She’s growing up way too fast! I’m so proud of my Little Flower. This journey as her mom has been a wonderful experience. She’s so […]

Santa Cruz!!

I chaperoned the Little Flower’s 5th grade trip to Santa Cruz today. I had a ball!! My baby even rode a roller coaster with me. However, we are going to have to work on her roller coaster technique, as you can see… 😂 The weather was great. The kids were great. It was awesome. I […]

Summer hair!

Just finished braiding the Little Flower’s hair! Although when I do her summer braids I don’t really get to enjoy my work. I braid her hair so that while she’s away from me she won’t have to stress about it. I know from experience that if I don’t do her hair it won’t get done […]

Why I Encourage My Child to Make Her Own Halloween Costume

As a child I always enjoyed making my own Halloween costume. It was always fun and exciting. And, of course once I became a mother it was even more exciting because I was able to transform my child into whatever she or I could imagine. However, the past two years I have taken a backseat […]

Emotional Intelligence in Parenting

When I picked up my 8 year old daughter from school today I noticed that my usually bubbly child wasn’t as chipper as she normally is. On our drive home she stated that she couldn’t find an assignment that was due the following day. She seemed highly stressed about it, which is not unusual (she […]